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Your toddler wants to watch TV: what to do?

Have you noticed how your baby seems to be attracted to the images projected by the television as soon as it is turned on? Is this hypnotic power of the small screen good or bad for its development? If your baby is watching TV like a two-month-old before 18 months, precautions should be taken. Explanations.

My baby watches television: a fact of society?

Today, screens have literally invaded our daily lives and it’s hard for a toddler not to let his or her gaze be caught by these colourful light sources offering perpetual motion. In shops, waiting rooms, transport and of course at home, they are everywhere and attract attention. An Inserm study reveals that if two-year-olds are more exposed to TV than other media (tablets, game consoles, etc.), two out of three watch it every day. Before 18 months, half the babies watch TV daily.

This phenomenon is relatively recent. It is thought to be about 15 years old. The proliferation of channels dedicated to toddlers in the world and the marketing around them are undoubtedly responsible. Also, parents are increasingly tempted to orient the baby’s deckchair so that their infant watches TV. The TV becomes a life companion, while parents can work on their obligations without fear of interruption. Not really harmless, this gesture can pose a risk and even harm to children’s health.

The impact of television and screens on baby development

Your baby is watching TV and you’re wondering if it’s healthy to let him?

The answer is no. The screen gives the toddler a powerful power of attraction. In front of the television, he has his eyes wide open and his face inexpressive. His eye is attracted by the movements of the characters on the images. As hypnotized, he does not move and sometimes even keeps his mouth open. Yet, while your baby watches TV, he does not engage in the activities necessary for his good development and cuts all the essential stimuli between 6 and 18 months. Indeed, to grow well, he must explore his environment, touch objects, carry them to his mouth, practice fun activities such as drawing and interact with parents and with everything he sees.

The screen hazard has a name: early and excessive screen exposure (EPEÉ). It’s a new neurodevelopmental disorder that has the consequence of altering children’s behaviour. It causes a delay in communication from 2 - 3 years, disturbances in sleep, concentration, diet and agitation.

In short, a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the youngest.

So, how old can baby watch TV?

The recommendations of the authorities are unclear, hence the excesses noted.

CSA and some experts recommend avoiding TV exposure for up to 3 years.

But neither the Academy of Medicine nor the French Paediatric Society set an age below which a baby should not watch TV.

Therefore, in the absence of formal recommendations, common sense must prevail. The TV newspaper and all images that can traumatize the little ones are to be banished at all costs. Time spent in front of children’s channels must be supervised by parents and limited.

Want to know what is the best TV program for your child? It’s you! Simply by watching you evolve and do your business, they develop their cognitive abilities.

(Sources : inserm et csa)

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