Combined cot

The baby room is often the first purchase for parents. 

It is acquired even before the baby is born. It is therefore with seriousness and above all a lot of enthusiasm that you will make your choice.

Your child keeps growing and the bed must be adapted to his size.

It is therefore one of the pieces of furniture that will have to be renewed regularly. You are aware of the importance of sleep on your child's development and you know that good bedding is the first step towards restful sleep. Equipment with good bedding, namely a suitable bed and a good mattress, requires a certain budget and it is tricky to buy it second-hand.

Take a step back … in the near future, let's imagine for the child's 2-year-old. In which bed do you see him? Don't you think he'll be happy to get out of bed on his own? His cradle with bars will therefore no longer be really suitable and he will have to buy him a new bed, with storage that he will keep for a few more years.

Let's continue, he is 6 years old , you surely want to install a real desk for him, on which he can practice writing his first words. Do you think you'll find the desk that matches the wardrobe furniture or the trendy baby colors you already have?

I'll stop there, I think you already see where I want to go come.

That’s why I offer a cost-effective, practical and durable solution:
The Scalable Cot

The clever purchase of a complete bedroom in a single piece of furniture! A concept of baby bed combined with integrated changing table and storage which allows you to obtain, by simple transformation, a real junior set with a wardrobe and children's furniture storage and even a desk.

In addition, you will save on delivery costs (yes, you will be delivered in one go for all your rooms!) and especially on the final price

The first step, when baby has grown a little, is to remove the bed rail. He will be able to go to bed and get up on his own like a grown-up.

The second stage, and by far the most interesting: as its name suggests, the evolutionary combined baby bed evolves. It evolves into a children's room, all perfectly adapted to your growing child.

Well informed, you will choose your evolutionary combined baby bed

by paying great attention to the quality of the furniture, so that it does not move during all the beautiful years
that await your baby. Years full of laughter, games, toys tossed into drawers, books piled on the shelves,
pencil marks to be erased on the desk top, a growing need for storage... and simply changing needs.

Go for neutral and mixed colors from a very young age.

It's the decorative touch that you bring that will make the atmosphere of the room so you will have the impression of changing rooms at each stage of its growth but keeping the same furniture for responsible consumption ;-)

Now you understand why we talk about smart buying. When you add up what a complete traditional bedroom with classic cot (sleeping up to 2 years), wardrobe and non-transformable chest of drawers costs, and what the 2nd option costs, the difference in investment is remarkable.

If you're not a handyman, don't worry, everything is provided to easily switch from one bed to another.

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