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How to change a baby’s diaper

During the first year of his life, you will change the baby's diaper thousands of times... So it's better to master a few basics. To keep baby dry, discover the art of diapering.

Change baby’s diaper carefully, step by step

  1. Lay baby down on a clean towel.
  2. Open the diaper. With the front of the diaper, wipe the buttocks and fold the diaper back on itself.
  3. Clean the buttocks with a clean washcloth or a cotton ball soaked in water and mild soap. The toilet of the buttocks must be done from top to bottom, from the cleanest to the dirtiest. Insist particularly on the folds of the groin and between the buttocks, in order to remove traces of stool and/or urine residue (very irritating).
  4. Wash her genitals
  5. Rinse the buttocks and sex thoroughly
  6. Dry them gently with a towel, paying great attention to the folds of the skin.

You can finish the change by applying a cream that will protect the seat from irritating contact with urine and stool and will help prevent redness.< /p>

Place the clean diaper so that the ties are at the height of the navel.

If the umbilicus is not yet fell, you can fold the edge of the diaper so that it does not rub it. Check that the diaper is adjusted as well as possible, knowing that after the meal, the stomach of the little one can expand slightly. It is therefore necessary to leave the space of two fingers slipped at the waist. If the baby is a boy, place the penis downwards so that he does not wet his belly.

Change where the importance of hygiene

  1. Start by washing your hands thoroughly.
  2. Prepare the toiletries and your clothes within reach so as not to have to leave your baby like with the Lit'bellule changing table.
  3. Remember to remove his socks, he risks getting them dirty if he he wiggles a lot.
  4. Similarly lift his body high up but don't leave your baby shirtless, he gets cold very quickly.
  5. If he is naked, at least cover him with a bath towel. To avoid chafing, diapers should be changed frequently. As soon as there are stools, of course, but also when the child has simply urinated. Before each nap, check that the diaper is not soiled. Likewise, when you wake up, to avoid any maceration and any risk of diaper rash.

For a little boy: Rinse your glove or change the wipe to clean her belly (up to the navel), her penis, her testicles and the folds of her groin.

For a little girl: Touch her lips and her vulva, then press lightly your gesture in the folds of the groin. Finish by washing his belly.

Exchange, a moment of exchange

If it is of course a question of hygiene,
change is also a special moment of exchange between you and the child you are welcoming.

Depending on the children, this moment is more or less appreciated.

Some don't like to be discovered, others don't like having their movements hampered, and let you know!

Crying and screaming can therefore be present. Also, communication is essential! Do not hesitate to sing, talk to him, explain your gestures to him, in order to make it as pleasant as possible. Your gestures must also be very gentle, and don't lose patience, even if the toddler fidgets a lot.

And then it's time for the hug!

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