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Baby vaccination

Vaccines remain important and even essential for public health. However, there are many natural alternatives that have been proven for a long time and without side effects. And which sting less!

11 mandatory vaccines for children born from January 1, 2018

Seven out of ten children already take these 11 mandatory vaccines

From an early age, we are subjected to a panoply of vaccines supposed to protect our health. At first glance, it seems to work, since many infections and diseases have (almost) disappeared, in our part of the globe. (I'm not talking here about poor countries, pushed aside by the pharmaceutical industry).

Who doesn't have a vaccination record?

But we now know that vaccination is not such a trivial act as that. Worse, many studies have shown that it can sometimes lead to rather dramatic consequences.

Generally, vaccines cause "only" mild side effects: low fever, pain in the where the injection was made. However, it may happen that these effects are more important in a limited number of people: high fever, difficulty breathing, dizziness, hives, high heart rate... not to mention extremely rare (but still) cases with brain damage, or generalized failure leading to m…(yellow fever vaccine: one case in 150,000)

Why go from 3 to 11 vaccines?

  1. Decrease in the rate of vaccination coverage
  2. The reappearance of certain infectious diseases</li >

3 were already mandatory:

  1. Diphtheria
  2. Tetanus
  3. Poliomyelitis

8 new are mandatory

  1. Pertussis
  2. Mumps, Rubella
  3. Meningococcus C
  4. Tetanus
  5. Hepatitis B
  6. Haemophilus influenzae B
  7. Measles poliomyelitis
  8. Pneumococcus

Children over 12 months living in French Guiana must also be vaccinated against yellow fever.< /p>

These 11 compulsory vaccines will give rise to 10 injections spread over 2 years.

What social security coverage?

In France, compulsory vaccines will be reimbursed on medical prescription at:

65% by health insurance

35% by complementary insurance

These vaccines are essential for the child to be admitted to the community

“unless there is a medical contraindication”
However, in a crèche for example, a provisional registration may take place.
Parents will then have 3 months to have their child vaccinated.

Natural alternatives, alternative medicine...

Homeopathy, action and prevention

Slightly disparaged by traditional medicine (and one wonders why..), the omeopathy is a real effective alternative.

Preventive, it acts as a detoxification agent, and offers real effective treatments, especially against the flu, not only treating the effects , but also the causes of this disease.

Homeopathic vaccines

By the way did you know that there are homeopathic vaccines? and in particular for the flu, Influenzinum 9ch which has largely proven itself? The big laboratories are not likely to shout it from the rooftops… And who says homeopathic vaccine says absence of side effects

The only problem with homeopathy is perhaps be that it is not profitable enough for the manufacturers.. Homeopathy is not dangerous, the worst that can happen is that it does not work (Yes it does. But drugs do work- they always also?).

Conventional medicine; the search continues and must continue...

Of course, this conventional medicine remains essential. It must develop and offer new, more effective and more bearable treatments. And for everyone, whatever the country, and the patient's income.

(source: solidarites-sante et bio-santé beauté)

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