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Baby cries all night: how to soothe him?

Very common at night, toddler crying can strongly destabilize parents... Why is baby sobbing? How do you best react to soothe it effectively?

Your baby wakes up several times a night crying, you’re exhausted… Months come and go and your child still doesn’t know day and night.

Why does baby cry at night?

The causes are multiple!

Hunger: often the cause of babies crying and the younger a baby is, the more likely he is to be hungry

Fear: “night terrors” occur in the baby by crying. He gets angry and agitated. A small nightlight in the child's room can reassure him and calm his fears

Nightmares: yes, babies can have nightmares too! They then wake up screaming. They must therefore be reassured and consoled.

Heat: optimize the temperature in the baby's room: neither too hot nor too cold. A temperature of 18°C to 20°C is optimal to ensure a good night's sleep. Consider investing in a good mattress that won't make your baby sweat and that will hold him comfortably all night long. In this regard, firm mattresses are perfect for supporting baby's spine

The dirty diaper: Your baby will probably whine if he feels a little too tight in his clothes or if her diaper is soiled. Conversely, some babies don't mind having a dirty diaper at all. But if your baby's skin is irritated, chances are he will cry. Changing your baby's diaper may be enough to calm her crying. Also make sure that the self-adhesive tabs are not too tight and that your baby feels comfortable in their clothes.

Need to burp: If your baby cries at the beginning of the night in an unusual way, this may mean that he is unable to evacuate the air swallowed during the last feed. Take him in your arms and help him burp.

Difficult digestion: stomach aches often linked to labored digestion disturb the baby's sleep.

Teething: when baby is teething, the pain can wake him up several times during the night.

Need a hug: Some babies have a great need for cuddles, physical contact to be reassured to feel good. Some parents fear that their baby will become "capricious" if they wear it too often. During these first weeks after birth, a newborn baby really needs to be physically reassured, do not hesitate to cuddle, carry him; be by his side.

Is he crying? Intervene as soon as possible

Fortunately, the time is long gone when we let a toddler scream so that he “made” his lungs . If from 3 months, and even more so beyond 6 months, you can allow yourself to delay his answer for a few minutes, it is imperative for the first few months to intervene as quickly as possible when he calls you with his cries. No question of letting baby cry.

How to do ?

  1. Approaching the bed very slowly… A sudden appearance could frighten him! (this does not happen with our Lit'bellule cot!)
  2. Check the room temperature: the room should not be overheated
  3. Make sure that he has no fever</ li>
  4. Reassure him, talk to him, sing him a little lullaby… You must reassure him at all costs…
  5. If the crying persists take him in your arm and rock him for a few moments, but put him back in his bed fairly quickly.

If your baby cries continuously and nothing seems to calm him, do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician or your doctor. They may be able to diagnose the origin of this crying and will be able to advise you.

In any case, establishing bedtime rituals are essential to give a rhythm to the life of the child. child and reassure him for the whole night. These rituals make it possible to pass on stories, songs, nursery rhymes...

Nothing could be easier with the Lit'bellule bed and the complete evolving baby room ;-)

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