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Fitness after childbirth

After giving birth, the body of a young mother changed, it is necessarily different. The important thing then is to reshape a silhouette in which you feel good and to recover the energy that allows you to live in the best way this new stage.

When you're a new mom, you usually want to get back in shape as soon as possible. When is our body ready?

Immediately after giving birth, we say to ourselves that we will quickly regain our “before” silhouette. ”. But the body has its reasons which must be taken into account. It took you nine months to make your child. Count as many months for everything to go completely back to normal.

Even when you quickly lose the pounds of pregnancy, for several weeks you feel heavy and unwell. skin because of hormone impregnations. These impregnations, which have repercussions on the whole body, continue during the breastfeeding period.

The best solution: wait! Thus, no question of getting back to sport before the return of diapers and perineal and abdominal re-education. As for the silhouette, it is better to wait until the end of breastfeeding to worry about it.

Perineal rehabilitation

Even if you did strengthening exercises throughout your pregnancy and even if you had a caesarean section, it is absolutely necessary to re-educate the muscles of the pelvic floor before considering resuming sport. Pregnancy and childbirth are hardships for the body. Over the weeks, the pelvic floor muscles weakened. It takes on average a minimum of three months to restore the pelvic floor.

A gentle gym to start

You should not embark on a series of pure and hard abs before the return of diapers, nor without having made sure that you do not need perineal rehabilitation. Remember that in the first weeks after childbirth, the best way to get back in shape is still to rest as much as possible. However, there are very gentle movements, based on breathing, to regain awareness of your body and begin to gently re-muscle it.

From the end of the first week, sitting or standing, you can tone your abs by blowing very hard as if you wanted to put out a candle from afar. For this little exercise to take effect, we repeat it at least five or six times in a row, several times a day.

Another movement that builds muscles without traumatizing we lie down on our back, feet on the ground, legs semi-flexed. Put your hands on your abdomen and inhale deeply, trying to feel your stomach and lungs inflate. Then, exhale squeezing your stomach, contract the perineum and the anal region as much as possible and hold the contraction for a few seconds.

To tone the buttocks, thighs and stretch the spine as you go, lie down, feet on the ground, arms alongside your body. As you inhale, the chest is inflated and the kidneys are allowed to rise very slightly. As you exhale, place your back on the ground, contracting your stomach and buttocks.

Physical activity after delivery

Depending on the women and their physical condition, the body recovers more or less quickly from a pregnancy, but most often it takes at least two months and the end of the perineal rehabilitation, before resuming a sporting activity (light at the beginning). In the event of a caesarean section or episiotomy, you will have to wait a little longer. In any case, ask your gynecologist for the green light.

To resume physical activity, prefer a calm sport (indoor gymnastics, swimming), and start gently. "Violent" activities, those that require running, jumping, are obviously to be avoided. Start by walking for example, it is also an opportunity to get the baby outside. You can also do some simple movements at home, in order to tone the muscles weakened during pregnancy and to lose weight in a harmonious and lasting way

Post-delivery feeding

There is nothing like a good diet to get back in shape after giving birth.

You will need: proteins to repair tissues, lipids to have energy, carbohydrates for tone, fibers to improve your transit, and always mineral salts and trace elements. In short, a healthy diet contains the essential elements that will help you overcome fatigue. And if you don't have time to cook, nothing prevents you from eating a balanced diet. Your meals should include fruits and vegetables, starchy foods, meat, fish and dairy products every day.

Weight-wise, it takes about 6 months to regain her weight, and about a year for her waistline.


Take some time for yourself, even a quarter of an hour.

Remember to keep the anti-stretch mark reflex even after childbirth. Creams will not make stretch marks disappear, but will fade them. In addition, the simple gesture of massaging your stomach, thighs, hips will help you reclaim your body, even if it will take some time to regain its initial shape.

Remember to moisturize your breasts (except the nipple area if you are breastfeeding) to prevent tissue slackening.

Warning , the areas of pigmentation (mask of pregnancy, brown line on the belly), which are of hormonal origin, will persist for a few months. Use a sunscreen before going out in the sun.

Finally, know how to give yourself time to breathe. Take advantage of your baby's sleep to take a nap, accept help from those around you who will be happy to pamper. A fit mum is essential for the baby.

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